Monday, April 18, 2016

MapR Stream sample job

This is a step-by-step instructions on how to run a sample job based on MapR Stream documentation to help users get started with MapR Stream on MapR 5.1.


To avoid any permission issue, below commands are all done by "root" user on MapR Cluster nodes.

1. Create a stream

maprcli stream create -path /stream/s1

2. Create a topic "info" inside above stream

maprcli stream topic create -path /stream/s1 -topic info

3. Prepare the java code and pom.xml for producer and consumer

Here my source code is here: 

4. Compile producer and consumer

git clone
mvn clean install
Assume the location of jar file built is here:

5. Launch consumer

export MAPR_CLASSPATH=/mapr/
Note: The poll timeout setting is set to 10 seconds in this sample code, so please launch producer in 10 seconds after consumer is launched.

6. Launch producer

export MAPR_CLASSPATH=/mapr/
Note: 500000 messages will be sent and then the producer will complete.

7. Check the size of the topic in that stream

# maprcli stream topic list -path /stream/s1
topic  partitions  logicalsize  consumers  maxlag  physicalsize
info   1           11616256     0          0       5390336

As shown above, the current physical disk size for this stream is about 5MB.

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