Sunday, May 17, 2015

Drill Workshop -- Partition Pruning


Drill 1.0


Partition pruning is a performance optimization that limits the number of files and partitions that Drill reads when querying file systems and Hive tables.


Know how to use the SQL plan to verify if SQL is optimized using partition pruning.
Know how to change the prefix of directory column.


1. Querying data in directories

Assume the CSV data is organized in below directory structure:
[root@h1 part1]# hadoop fs -lsr /drill/part1
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          2 2015-05-17 18:35 /drill/part1/2014
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          1 2015-05-17 18:35 /drill/part1/2014/11
-rw-r--r--   3 root root          9 2015-05-17 18:35 /drill/part1/2014/11/11.csv
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          1 2015-05-17 18:36 /drill/part1/2014/12
-rw-r--r--   3 root root          9 2015-05-17 18:36 /drill/part1/2014/12/12.csv
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          3 2015-05-17 18:35 /drill/part1/2015
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          1 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/01
-rw-r--r--   3 root root          8 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/01/01.csv
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          1 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/02
-rw-r--r--   3 root root          8 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/02/02.csv
drwxr-xr-x   - root root          1 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/03
-rw-r--r--   3 root root          8 2015-05-17 18:37 /drill/part1/2015/03/03.csv
Querying the directory "part1" can show all data:
> select * from dfs.drill.`part1`;
|     columns     | dir0  | dir1  |
| ["1","'111'"]   | 2015  | 01    |
| ["2","'234'"]   | 2015  | 02    |
| ["3","'3rd'"]   | 2015  | 03    |
| ["11","'abc'"]  | 2014  | 11    |
| ["12","'def'"]  | 2014  | 12    |
5 rows selected (0.116 seconds)
If we only need to get data of 2015 02~03:
> select * from dfs.drill.`part1` where dir0='2015' and (dir1 >= '02' and dir1 <= '03');
|    columns     | dir0  | dir1  |
| ["2","'234'"]  | 2015  | 02    |
| ["3","'3rd'"]  | 2015  | 03    |
2 rows selected (0.128 seconds)
Now check the physical plan of above SQL to confirm it only scans the 2 files instead of full table scan.
> explain plan for select * from dfs.drill.`part1` where dir0='2015' and (dir1 >= '02' and dir1 <= '03');
| text | json |
| 00-00    Screen
00-01      Project(*=[$0])
00-02        Project(*=[$0])
00-03          Scan(groupscan=[EasyGroupScan [selectionRoot=/drill/part1, numFiles=2, columns=[`*`], files=[maprfs:/drill/part1/2015/02/02.csv, maprfs:/drill/part1/2015/03/03.csv]]])

2. Querying data in Hive partition table

Assume we create below hive partition table:
CREATE TABLE partition_table(id INT, username string)

insert into table partition_table PARTITION(year='2014',month='11') select 1,'u' from passwords limit 1;
insert into table partition_table PARTITION(year='2014',month='12') select 2,'s' from passwords limit 1;
insert into table partition_table PARTITION(year='2015',month='01') select 3,'e' from passwords limit 1;
insert into table partition_table PARTITION(year='2015',month='02') select 4,'r' from passwords limit 1;
insert into table partition_table PARTITION(year='2015',month='03') select 5,'n' from passwords limit 1;
Querying the Hive table from Drill to show all data:
> select * from hive.partition_table;
| id  | username  | year  | month  |
| 1   | u         | 2014  | 11     |
| 2   | s         | 2014  | 12     |
| 3   | e         | 2015  | 01     |
| 4   | r         | 2015  | 02     |
| 5   | n         | 2015  | 03     |
5 rows selected (0.797 seconds)
If we only need to get data of 2015 02~03:
select * from hive.partition_table where `year`='2015' and (`month` >= '02' and `month` <= '03');
| id  | username  | year  | month  |
| 4   | r         | 2015  | 02     |
| 5   | n         | 2015  | 03     |
2 rows selected (0.374 seconds)
Now check the physical plan of above SQL and found it actually scans 3 partitions instead of 2.
(Filed DRILL-3121 for this.)
> explain plan for select * from hive.partition_table where `year`='2015' and (`month` >= '02' and `month` <= '03');
| text | json |
| 00-00    Screen
00-01      Project(id=[$0], username=[$1], year=[$2], month=[$3])
00-02        SelectionVectorRemover
00-03          Filter(condition=[AND(=($2, '2015'), >=($3, '02'), <=($3, '03'))])
00-04            Scan(groupscan=[HiveScan [table=Table(dbName:default, tableName:partition_table), inputSplits=[maprfs:/user/hive/warehouse/partition_table/year=2015/month=01/000000_0:0+4, maprfs:/user/hive/warehouse/partition_table/year=2015/month=02/000000_0:0+4, maprfs:/user/hive/warehouse/partition_table/year=2015/month=03/000000_0:0+4], columns=[`*`], partitions= [Partition(values:[2015, 01]), Partition(values:[2015, 02]), Partition(values:[2015, 03])]]])

3. How to change the prefix of directory column.

Imagine what will happen if the data itself has such columns "dir0","dir1",etc?
Query will fail with "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException". See DRILL-3118.
This is because, by default is set to 'dir':
> select * from sys.options where name = '';
|                      name                       |  kind   |  type   |  status  | num_val  | string_val  | bool_val  | float_val  |
|  | STRING  | SYSTEM  | DEFAULT  | null     | dir         | null      | null       |
To workaround the issue, we can change to a prefix which is not in the data column names.
>  alter session set ``='directory';
|  ok   |                         summary                          |
| true  | updated.  |
1 row selected (0.074 seconds)
> select `dir999` from dfs.root.`user/hive/warehouse/testdir999/3d49fc1fd0bc7e81-e6c5bb9affac8684_358897896_data.parquet`;
|    dir999    |
| [B@5e5af20c  |
1 row selected (0.098 seconds)


Querying Directories
Partition Pruning(Drill Wiki)
Configuration Options Introduction

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