Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Reading table blocks creating tables in the same database when


Reading table blocks creating tables in the same database when
Creating table will fail with below errors due to database level lock.
hive> create table test(id int);
conflicting lock present for default mode EXCLUSIVE


Hive 0.13

Root Cause:

By default in Hive 0.13 when, it is using
Some DDLs needs Exclusive lock on database using this transaction manager.
This issue is reported in HIVE-9199 which is fixed in Hive 1.1.

Minimum reproduce:

1. Set in hive-site.xml.
2. Open 2 hive sessions:
--Session A:

create table passwords (col0 string, col1 string, col2 string, col3 string, col4 string,
col5 string, col6 string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ":";
load data local inpath "/etc/passwd" into table passwords;

select count(*) from passwords a,passwords b, passwords c, passwords d
where a.col0=b.col0
and a.col0=c.col0
and a.col0=d.col0;

--Session B:

hive> create table test(id int);
conflicting lock present for default mode EXCLUSIVE


This is current lock behavior in Hive 0.13. You can disable this feature by setting in hive-site.xml.
Or upgrade to Hive 0.14 or above in which new lock manager DbLockManager and new transaction manager DbTxnManager are introduced.

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